Education Committee announces Financial Education inquiry after Barndoor lobbying campaign with GoHenry

Barndoor Strategy is thrilled that the Education Select Committee has today announced a full inquiry into the topic of Financial Education.

We have been working with GoHenry over the past year to push for a greater focus on financial education, especially at primary school age, where evidence shows that money habits are formed.

We have hosted various events in Westminster and held meetings with Ministers and officials, as well as building a cohort of supportive MPs and Peers.

At our recent meeting with Education Select Committee Chair Robin Walker MP, we encouraged him to launch a full inquiry on this topic, so we are delighted that he has acted on our device.

Along with GoHenry, we look forward to working with the Education Select Committee throughout this inquiry and ensuring that the vital topic of Financial Education is consistently taught to all primary-age children at the earliest possible opportunity,

This is the second Select Committee inquiry to be announced this year following a Barndoor Strategy lobbying campaign, and we are delighted for our clients that the strategic campaigns we have built and delivered for them are reaping such terrific rewards.